The plot was bought from an army of informants in Finance, National Police, Civil Guard, the National Employment Institute, Land Surveying, Social Security, Health Service, Finance Basque, Traffic Service, Land Registry, Courts, Banks, electrical companies, car rental companies, travel agencies, airlines, Movistar, Orange and even they were about to get a Visa infiltrated and other similar firms.
Had so good informants that even some snitch informant alerted them last December that the police were after them. Judicial proceedings does not include a calculation of the volume of data and reports this network has been able to smuggle over the years. The summary also includes an estimate of how many people have been spied on by this network. http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2012/07/13/actualidad/1342214158_211012.htmlThe method:
The INEM [public job center] office in Badalona (Barcelona) is not like the others. There, officials not only catered to people seeking work, but also "bake cookies", "prepare dumplings", "made T-shirts" and "make photocopies". With these code words are understood four officials from that office and Francisco Garcia Perez, Paco The Achiever, one of the alleged network data traffic intermediary that Operation Pitiusa dismantled in May. Banks were the ultimate consumers of an endless list of names, phone numbers and employment histories growing month by month.
In the summary of the case has a couple of reporters, Ana Ferrer Xicola and Eduard Torres, transfer each month "between 2,500 and 3,000 consultations" to Paco, a retired civil servant who had worked in that office as head of jobs. http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2012/07/14/actualidad/1342300228_237426.htmlThe sewers of the state
The CNI connection with this network is palpable, for example, in telephone conversations recorded by police detective Aitor Gomez and Tino in relation to such an operation to uncover a smuggling ring snuff. "If the central [intelligence] agents come is to give cover to the informant, not organizing them all (...) It is simply protection because they do not trust the Civil Guard, which is what you told me," said to the detective. Other involved in contact with Nacional de Inteligencia Central, CNI, is Matías Bevilacqua-Brechbühler, which plays an important key role in the plot of data traffic. Bevilacqua, a hacker 36, of Argentine origin, makes work for two of the detectives who fell in the police raid: Sara Dionisio and Juan Manuel Olivera. They had meet, along with Local Police Sergio Corcoles in the Cybex company. http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2012/07/14/actualidad/1342300228_237426.htmlImpact unknown
Although the magnitude of the crime is not quantified , money earned, stolen data or people affected by espionage. If thye has been able to infiltrate the INEM, Finance, Courts or Police can be accessed virtually any information from anyone in the country. Their main customers were banks, worried about the solvency of their customers. Mistrust suggests the capacity of the network to steal data and sell them for example medical files to insurance companies or the same banks whose securities include life insurance.
The exponential increase in which grown the accused number indicates that this is just the tip of the iceberg. The organization seems to have no head, that is, it appears that the system began with the abduction and sale of data and by word of mouth did indeed call. In a short time was so great that its tentacles wrapped disreputable people with worst intentions. They got out of hand without any control.
Armed Forces uncontrolled
Once again reaffirms the chaos on the Armed Forces of the state, which are discovered involved in a criminal operation after another. In this case while investigating a case of trafficking of snuff. The operations have been involved almost every Corp: Judicial officers, National Police, Civil Guard, military and even Secret Agents.
It is clear who is watching the watchers: nobody.
For all those who ask what the hell happend in Spain. Pure corruption.
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