CNT update pickets around the state. The general trend: fairly quiet day in many cities and fulfilling the goal of stopping the activity in the industrial areas and major markets. Widespread impact of the pickets also in the city centers. Massive demonstrations followed in the afternoon. Anti-repressive alert in Logroño and Granada!
Translation from: CNT, Cobertura informativa: Huelga General 14N
A Coruña:
Little supprot of the strike. Picket of CNT formed by 50 people. Statement denying the incident awarded by the tabloids to the union.
High up than previous strike, but still little seconded. In the afternoon demonstration of about 500 people in the CNT block.
In a mass demonstration that media calculate 100,000 attendees, is organized from the local CNT a libertarian block at the end of the demonstration with a stake of around 500 people. The day ended without incidents.
It is walkthrough the areas with informational picketing. The pickets of the capitalists [police] have hit in the head to Alberto, CNT Sindical Action secretary.
95% support. In the morning two pickets, each formed by about 150 people, closed the factories and stores area. In the afternoon there was demonstration with 3000 people on the streets.
Little support. Mobilizations against BBVA to avoid eviction.
20.00h: mass demonstration (250,000 people) and large block of the CNT.
1:30 p.m.: CNT picket currently runs along Via Laietana [Barcelona mean avenue].
11.00h: Picket at Melon District, condemned by union busting company.
10:30 a.m.: Assembly Taxi union section in the Sants Station.
8:30 a.m.: Continuing informational picket consisting of about 40 people at the doors of Qualytel company, workers support has been total.
7:00 a.m.: Picket in Qualytel, company that manages the 061 Emergency Service in defense of an emergency system worthy.
Taxis Anarchy offers a free service to the strikers who need transportation for logistics to the strike. Contact phone: 620 091 120 (operating at night and in the morning).
09.00h: The garbage collection and public works stopped, small businesses do not.
11:45: Demonstration from the Sacred Heart with ESK and CGT. At the peak of the event over 5000 people have supported the call.
10:30: Concentration at Sacred Heart with ESK and CGT. Some two thousand people gathered, was read a statement and have shouted different slogans.
6:00 pickets posted in different points. There have been no mishaps review
La Bisbal:
A picket involved in Mercadona [main spanish supermarkets company] and DIA, filling several carts of foodstuffs. Without incident.
The entire city center has been closed since late at night. Navantia [shipyard] support 85% closed industrial area. In the afternoon mass demonstration with about 3000 people in the CNT block.
Castro Urdiales:
50-60% industry support, 20% commerce. CNT pickets around the town, with an extensive support. The media talk about 400 people in the manifestation of CNT, the only union which called. A success in this small town.
Ciudad Real:
With a squad of more than 40 people have traveled different parts of the capital as SEPECAM (Employment Service of Castilla-La Mancha), FREMAP, in support of the León farewell companion, the courts, the banking area, Adecco, bus station, the Bishopric and Mercadona. In all of them was read statements of complaint.
Later went to the University, where a policeman had assaulted a student. A spontaneous demonstration was organized with more than 200 people who toured the city center. Tracking the strike has been very uneven.
After many years away, formed a picket in Alcazar de San Juan.
6:30 p.m.: The event brings together more than 5000 people.
17.00h: picketing Cineuropa festival.
13.00h: CNT militants involved in the anti-capitalist block consisting in more than 2000 people.
10:00 a.m.: CNT picket increasingly numerous in the City Market (200 people). The city is almost paralyzed.
8:45 a.m.: Three arrested during informational picketing in the industrial estate of Tambre, one of the union. Reports the lawyer who will release him soon.
20.00h: More than 6000 people participating in the demonstration. The event ends with a call to go to court to demand the release of detainees in the strike day.
17:00 h: Starts afternoon demonstration called by CNT with other unions and collective. (Http:// again walking the streets of downtown.
14:30: It is organizes a popular food in the Jardines de los Patos [city gardens]. Hundreds of people eat together supporting the "consumer strike".
12:00: Police charge against the picket in the streets of downtown. There arrested and several identifications. It is set a "critical block" in the manifestation of the morning.
11.00h: The picket directed to city center with police escort. Cut traffic and matches the picket Stop Evictions, and other unions, forming a large picket walking the streets of downtown.
10:00 am: Join a picket with fellow student and other groups and unions. It continues to close stores, especially Mercadona. Police arrest and assaulted a fellow and charges at the picket. The companion is released after being identified.
09.00h: The CNT walking picket though Barcelona Avenue and arounds, closing banks and supermarkets.
8:00 a.m.: Police charge against the picket at the gates of Aucorsa [company]. Buses leave minimal services. Several picket members identifications.
5:00: CNT participates in a large picket at the gates of the city bus depot. At 05:45 h, departure time of the first bus, no bus goes to the streets.
00.00h: CNT participated in the picket Mercacordoba [mean city markert], where not a single truck entered.
Don Benito:
Morning besides CCOO and UGT pickets by the industrial areas and shops that have come without insisting on the closure thereof, the block formed by 15M, some other people and CNT, had visited banks (about 10 or 12 offices) in an action against them and especially banks evictions. In all have organized a squad with signs on the door and asked to speak with two or three directors, and in all have attended and explained that there were not manage any eviction.
Just was a tense situation at Caja Extremadura [saving bank] after ask for explanis about a eviction in Don Benito came out yesterday in the Journal Extremadura. At least the journalist had mistake the companies, Caja Extremadura instead of Caja Rural de Extremadura, whose director was the only
"not present". The police came in the first two cases, thus extra-advertising were added because it was all very showy.
Afternoon CNT has integrated the demo called by the CCOO and UGT, which has been fairly nourished with support from people of all region. There were about 2,000 people. The demo has come from 18'00 to 20'00 by Central Avenue (shops, that closed the passage and opened later).
There has not been arrested, injured or incidents.
6:00 a.m.: Out of a picket by the industrial areas.
Sparse support in comerce.
13.00h: Starts the manifestation. The CNT block has 200 people in a demonstration of 10,000.
10:30 a.m.: The CNT picketed walkthrough the center and the shopping area.
2:00 p.m.: Demonstration in the streets of the city. More assistance than previous strikes. The city is completely paralyzed, in the center there is no establishment open. Large block of CNT, the most militant of the demonstration.
09.00h: Picket at City Council, only 14 among 140 workers scabs. One of the scabs attacked picket members. Note that police carrying riot gear-80s. Now a big squad will go through the center of the city, while the rest goes to the industrial area of Gandara.
8:30 a.m.: Alcampo industrial area and Gandara and paralyzed, almost all closed in the city.
5:00 a.m.: Bus station paralyzed strong police presence.
00.00h The garbage collection service is paralyzed. Quiet and no police presence.

17.00h: Eventually they are released the arrested. Popular support has been significative.
15:00 : Massive concentration in front of the Police station until free the arrested.
12:00am: Start the demo with unit of CSI, CGT, CNT and Suatea Wetland in the Plaza. At the same time there is another demonstration convened by the CCOO, UGT and USO, attempting to usurp the call. More than 30,000 people in the streets!
10:00 a.m.: CNT performed a picket at the west area of the city. There are very few places open, except the supermarkets, which closed to the passage of the picket. Very good reception neighborhood. Presence of anti-riots all time. It is report four arrested and three injured in a picket Left Sindical Stream (CSI).
9:00 p.m.: In one of the pickets a camrade was arrest. CNT concentration convenes tomorrow November 15th at 09.00h hours in the courts of La Caleta for his freedom.
18.00h: Strike report: broad participation in large industries and estates, but scarce in commerce and hospitality.
00.00h: CNT members participate in a spontaneous picket near Plaza de Toros. It displays a giant banner at the height of Gran Vía, where will the demonstrations during the day.
Positive strike support . The picket of CNT has toured the city center, closing Mercadona and commerces in general.
19.00h: mass demonstration (15,000 according to some local media) in Guadalajara. There has been a large presence of the critical block. After the demo around hundred people have reached the PP headquarters, prolonging the march for Constitution street and Army avenue. Optimal brooch for a great day of fight.
14:00h: Dissolve the march that has spread from Subdelegación to Toledo Street, reaching the vicinity of Cuatro Caminos. Above hundred participants then returned to the Plaza Santo Domingo cutting off this main road of the city. Some shops were closed from the morning and have to step down the fence.
13.00h: Confirmed success in Alcarreña town, especially in commerce with many closed stores. It has participated in the rally CC.OO. UGT and harshly criticizing his attitude and a strong syndicalist discourse. Presence also in Alcala de Henares town.
10:30 a.m.: Picket in Caixa Catalunya [bank], with continuous police cordon. Actions continue despite pressure of capitalists pickets [police].
9:30 a.m.: Action in the BBVA, the police take a fellow to identify.
7:10 a.m.: Picket intercolectivos moves, achieving that buses do not start dating until after 07:00 h. Are counted as 15 police cars "keeping company." There have been threats of fines and some identification. Small success to start the day.
10:00 p.m.: picket-Lactalis Nestlé. Are informed that out of turn, ensures that several workers to resume home.
CNT Concentration intervention and more than 300 people who attended the event for a town of 4,000 inhabitants.
- Huesca Capital In the CNT has participated in the morning bikepicket with 70 protesters, three were detained by police and one attacked by them, with a medical injuries report. Alternative Picket by the city mall (Coso) with large presence of CNT comrades and 15-M members. At 12 hours demonstration called by CNT, CGT, SOA and Huste, attendance of between 3,000 to 4,000 people, doubling the attendance of the 29-M demonstration.
By evening at 19.30 hours manifestation of the bureaucratics unions, attended by between 7,000 to 9,000 people. The CNT has participated with his banner "it is not a crisis, is capitalism, it is time to fight" and black and red-black flags.
- In Sariñena (Huesca), in the presence of CNT concentration 12'00 hours with 150 people convened by the Citizens' Assembly of Monegros, with previous marches from the Institute and the Health Center.
- In Monzón (Huesca), presence of CNT in the manifestation at 18:00h convened by Green Tide [education], Students, Workers and People's Assembly and the bureaucratic unions. Attendance of 3,000 to 4,000 people, with important support behind banners and Assembly Workers Monsoon People and Monegros Citizens Assembly has also joined the protest.
-In Barbastro (Huesca), presence of CNT-cacerolada [potternoising] concentration of 18'30 in Jardinetes.
- In Jaca (Huesca), Multicolor Tide Picket unit of Jacetania formed by CNT. CGT, 15-M and the bureaucratic unions, operating Jaca's Hospital and cleaning services FOCSA.
In the afternoon demonstration unit with presence of CNT and between 3,000 to 4,000 protesters.
-In Sabiñanigo (Huesca), we Jaca's companions reported the demonstration in the afternoon with
about 3,000 people in the street.
The picket alternative unionism, which is the CNT, advances by the polygon of Olives.
Jerez de la Frontera:
The short CNT picket traffic on Avenida de Europa for an hour, blocking one of the entrances to the city. MercaJerez [main city maarket] also locked. Road closures occur also in La Granja.
La Bisbal:
By 11:30 h a picket intervened in a supermarket Mercadona and Day filling grocery carts. There were no incidents or problems.
Stitches from early in the morning by the center supermarkets. Closing two of them for three hours. Mercadona high police custody, could only get a few customers who came in dribs and drabs.
At noon performed a demonstration which gathered around 500 people, closing establishments while passing. Important picket made in the FREMAP company, in conflict with the union for a companion farewell.
24:00: We start the picket popular in the Plaça de Sant Joan de Lleida. The picket is first directed to the train station, then passed by Mercadona and some banks.
10.45: informational picket by the commercial backbone of Lleida, crossing it from end to end.
09.00h: Comrades scattered pickets involved in different parts of the city. It takes an act of protest in the University library.
6:00 a.m.: Picket block access to anti-capitalist industrial del Segre.
21.00h: From Logroño CNT want to communicate the facts and events that occurred along today's demonstration outside the organization and membership of CNT Logroño and publicly denounce persecution and cruelty of a Police given to one of our affiliates. Since the end of the rally after falling object thrown from afar has gone straight to our colleague. Soon we will send the photographic and audiovisual.
7:00 a.m.: Industrial areas of the Portal I and II have been closed to the entrance of the night shift. A fellow was fined by the police show that their children end up on the dole as others.
10:00 am: While CC.OO. UGT and concentrated on the Jetty, a picket of CNT, supporters and autonomous groups followed suit in the Market Square. From there began a tour of the city, closing shops, being escorted by more than 20 anti-riots. Several members of the squad went on bike and then block all without acronyms joined the demonstration organized by the Student Assembly.
Good support. Pickets have been formed by the CCOO, UGT and CNT. On the morning after the rally, over 1000 people have marched through the city center closing trade.
Just follow the strike. The event is being nurtured.
20.00h: 100,000 attending the demonstration unit!
7:45 p.m.: La Haine interview José, of CNT Villaverde, who claims: "The strike as we have lived in CNT, in our pickets and workplaces in which we operate has been quite important, even greater than that of 29M, especially in the primary sectors, although there were many more shops that have not opened. Earlier in the strike incidence was achieved not as positive as this. But the point is that there has to be continuity in the fight, the strike has success for the commitment have shown to workers, we are suffering attacks at social and work and its not enough just a simple strike. We need to continue the fight and to develop a scenario of fighting in the streets and at works. Generate a gap with the officialist unions.
24:00: @Manuelcuellar via Twitter: An 'army' of anti-riot police take the place of Tirso de Molina to go to Lavapies.
-Computing CNT Section chronicle
-> Villaverde
13.00h: The Picket is in Getafe CNT. With shops closed, go to the Alcampo mall .
10:05 a.m.: -> Sierra Norte de Madrid: Buitrago informational picket, at 12pm to Cabrera with 15M assemblies. There were retained two companions.
10:00 am: The South Regional Federation CNT Villaverde currently has three active picketing, one in Rivas, another in the Sierra Norte de Madrid and the central core is now in Leganes.
09.00h: The picket Rivas is in the Mercadona. There is a bit of fuss, and police is identifying colleagues.
8:29 a.m.: The picket of CNT is in the industrial area of Villaverde. No activity, but if making a punch too special police.
-> Madrid Local Federation:
Strike repport:
-Press: In Unidad Editorial stops are lows. According to CNT section is estimated at 20%. The anecdote was that members of some Company Councyl [privileged unionist] have gone to work, agaisnt the call of their own unions!
Becouse of the complete stop of papernews roundsman, El Mundo newspaper has hired private cars to distribute, again violating the right to strike, in any case, few stores open.
-Audiovisual section: the stop in Telefonica Audiovisual Services is almost complete in the workplace of the Ronda de la Comunicación, according to the CNT union section. In RTVE [public television] support is high: between 60 and 70 in Prado del Rey, while Torrespaña support has been very high with few scabs, yes, minimum services have been abussive in this center, where there are information services: 400 workers from a workforce of 1,600.
-Publishing- the support is uneven. Very low in Anaya and about 50% in Edelvives.
-Shows- the vast majority of theaters have announced that there will be no meeting today.
11.00h: Picket for Tribunal and Puerta de Toledo streets. 40 CNT comrades and FIJA [anarchist youths] have started the journey in the Toledo Market Gate street, where the campus of the University Carlos III is established. By throwing pamphlets in through the front door, two security guys have left chasing a company and tried to attack him. The rest of the squad has come to his aid. At that time a car appeared and municipal police have accused the company security officer of aggression. The picket was lodged preventing arrest and continuing the journey to the headquarters in Tirso de Molina.
10:30 a.m.: Stopping an eviction in Lavapies. CNT comrades s of Madrid on their way to picket scheduled for Puerta de Toledo street, joined a large group of solidarity people that, in less than half an hour, and after forcing the judicial commission to take refuge in the Church of San Anton with shouts of "shame". Effectively shut the eviction of a neighbor on the street Cabestreros 15.
9:30 a.m.: Picket of CNT in Atento (Aluche). 40 afiliated supporters have been picketing, entering the building of the company to inform workers who had gone on strike. Immediately the private picket corp [security men] has picked up the phone and reached the public picket [police], about 20 policemen, on a complaint of infringement of private property. Finding that it was not such, but an informational picket, it has remained normal, but overseen by the repressive forces. Upon leaving the venue, the people who were outside claps the syndicalists.
8:30 a.m.: CNT pickets in INDRA and Isbar [tecnological companies]. Some thirty comrades of Telecommunications and Informatics Services Various Occupations CNT [Madrid CNT-SOV] of Madrid near other comrades of CNT-Metal and CNT-Education sindicates have made two separate informational picketing in the workplaces of INDRA in the streets Méndez Álvaro and Julian Camarillo and in ISBAR headquarters in Pozuelo de Alarcon. It has managed to inform and encourage workers to second strike.
7:30 a.m.: The squad of about 80 people, among members of CNT, anarchist youth and FEL, reaches Erion co. at 6:30 a.m.. Cut the access to the height of the company and then go up to the train access. Two strikebreakers in a car trying to run over a picket companion and then assaulting him and a secret infiltration has been identified as police. Arrive anti-riots and threaten to detenenciones if the picket if not disband, and prevent information campaign to the coming cars. Picketing continues and reach more anti-riot. Comrades resist half hour. Ends the picket line and people are spreading to other points.
7:28 a.m.: The picket Riva-Madrid reports that 20 people, including CGT and CNT are at the entrance of the company and has not left any garbage truck or sweepers and gardeners get out. Meanwhile, about 50 people marching through the industrial area escorted by Civil Guard and National Police without incident, closing several companies.
7:00 a.m.: CNT pickets have walked the neighborhood, it's time to visit industrial sites before attempting shops opened.
-> Graphic Sindicate: The strike has begun for the Entertainment sector late on 13th, with the symbolic occupation of the Spanish Theater (dependent MACSA, company that has submitted an ERE which raises the dismissal of a third of the template). The workers have been deployed to the front a banner with the slogan "Workers fighting performances. General Strike " In the filming of the movie Nacho Vigalondo and Alex de la Iglesia, the workers have decided not to go to work.
Press section: To this day the strike 14N Press sector coincides with that of the general strike (usually used to be a day earlier for newspapers stay off the street the day of the strike), despite that newsrooms have posted small editions and lower print runs. However, routers stops is almost complete so there has been virtually cast.
The Mint and Stamp, stop is total, exceeding 90%.
In the audiovisual sector is uneven track: Telemadrid keeps still image from midnight strike reporting. The rest, canned broadcast programs. In section Telecinco CNT union complained to the Labour Inspectorate 13th recording program yesterday that will air today Save me, actually posed a clear violation of the right to strike.
For printing and publishing, we should expect the evolution of the day to have a reliable assessment.
7:00 a.m.: a squad of seven cars with CNT militants goes to Prado del Rey (RTVE).
00.00h: Men and women affiliated with CNT have left the premises of Tirso square [CNT headquarter in the city core], pickets toward other neighborhoods and preparatory actions to ensure the success of the strike.
1:30 p.m.: CNT militants involved in the concentration of the Green Tide in the morning, 500 people cut traffic on Avenida Andalucía. The demonstration progresses joining the picket that goes to Maria Zambrano station, closing shops along the way. The demonstration comes to CARE (health center), cutting traffic in both directions. At the station joins the picket CC.OO. and CGT, moments of tension occur.
00.00h: Very quiet night with no major impact of the strike. Dissolve the picket aat Renfe station (Vialia-Maria Zambrano). The entire city center virtually closed until Alameda, very little police presence. Hear of a detainee to make picket ZZ pub.
10:00 am: In the demonstration, about a hundred people in the anti-capitalist bloc.
7:00 a.m.: We have cut access to the city.
Marina Alta:
First thing in the morning pickets at City Hall and in Pedreguer Benissa Ecopark, where we organized union with locals. At 11.00h members and supporters have come to the demonstration. The City Council has been picketing shared with people from the CGT and some CAM workers and unemployed.
Miranda de Ebro:
Good support broadly and without incident followed for between 70 and 80%. Stitches unit between CNT and CGT, and to join the CCOO About 200 people have been closing Mercadona among other establishments.
Participation in informational picketing in medium business through the center in the morning. Participation in the afternoon manipor integrated into the "Critical Block" with great animation and assistance and moments
tension with law enforcement to identify and record a protester. The demonstration (some 5,000 people) goes from Spain Square to Puerta de la Villa and down through Santa Eulalia, trying to convince small business of its mistake for not being in strike. Success in various establishments. Chanted slogans against labor reforms, the bankers, law enforcement, the royal household, racism and fighting for independent and self-managed class workers and the general strike.
20.00h: About 500 people in the block where participated CNT.
10:00 a.m.: Almost total stops in Pla de Baix industrial area. Several roadblocks.
3:00 p.m.: The event brings together thousands of people. The CNT was concentrated with other libertarian groups to step of the demonstration. Weak monitoring of the strike.
The stop feeling is loose in the city, with many stores open. Slight presence of pickets around the city.
Palma de Mallorca:
8:00 p.m.: 8000 protesters in joint Mani CNT and CGT.
2:00 p.m.: Success total unemployment in the University, and on public transport and municipal cleaning companies, where unemployment has been total.
10:40 a.m.: CNT pickets through the center and the most important avenues of the city and neighborhoods to abet workers strike.
00.00: Abundant police presence guarding the commercial heart of the city. Police have established controls in all municipal buildings to prevent picketing in public administration.
11:00: Rally and march from the Plaza del Vínculo between different social organizations. About 1000 attendees.
09.00h: social Picket by Castle Square, called by various platforms.
7:30 a.m.: Bike-picket at the Public University of Navarra.
Pickets during the day and evening combative demonstration, the biggest crowd ever recorded.
The demonstration was a success.
Puerto de Santa Maria:
High support to the strike. Commercial center, parks and downtown businesses closed. Just working some city officials. 80% up in the morning. Around 2000 people in the manifestation of the afternoon.
handbills Cast in concentration across from City Hall. Informational picket at the center. It supports the student demonstration.
Strike report: higher up than in the past, especially in trade and in major centers as Mercasalamanca.
3:00 p.m.: 7000 people seconded the manifestation of CNT. The trip was uneventful, with all shops closed. After the demonstration around 1000 people between CNT, CCOO, UGT and CGT have focused on the doorstep of El Corte Ingles, getting to close for half an hour.
11.00h: Rotunda of San Jose and Prince of Asturias bridge cut for several minutes. Later went to Paseo Canalejas. The picket between CNT and CGT consisted of about 200 people.
6:30 a.m.: There are about 220 people formed the picket in the city bus depot. There are people of CNT (130 people), PCE and UJCE (50 people), CGT (20 people) and CCOO and UGT (20 people). So far they have gone two buses of minimum services. Agreed minimum services for the strike are 1 bus line, so we'll see if they comply. For now, all is quiet.
Two workers buses have arrived . Squad members are sitting in front of the entrance and there was a small charge, raising the police and civil guard and getting people to tip some punch. Buses of workers could not enter. Subsequently, police has formed a cordon to facilitate workers' access to the garages. At first only going out minimum services, but so far has not left any bus.
4:30 a.m.: About 230 people have formed a picket at the gates of Mercasalamanca. The squad was made up of members of CNT - AIT (130 people), PCE and UJCE (50 people) and CCOO and UGT (50 people). CCOO and UGT members came to inform workers who had come to their workplaces, but there has been little to report, as the monitoring of the strike is over 95%. After half an hour, the pickets have targeted the city bus depot.
2:00 a.m.: tense moments occur in the Gran Via between police and picketing of CNT formed by about 200 people. Detention of a scab and a businessman.
00.00: About 100 people have been forming picket in front of the Municipal Landfill, without leaving any truck. On the picket line have been among others, members of CNT.
San Sebastian:
12:00: Demonstration and rally from the Boulevard of Donostia. People have come to call on a higher than expected number. Around 1000 people.
0900: Motorhome. Departure from the car park next to the station Euskotren Anoeta. From there we split into polygons Donostia and nearby villages.
18.00h: Starts the manifestation.
3:00 a.p.: heavily support. CNT picket Square Stations. Later closing small businesses and large surfaces.
24:00: demonstration of teaching, even more than in the 29M.
08.00: Caravan of cars along the left, leaving from the Hall.
24:00: Demonstration from Plaza Nueva to the convening organizations (CGT, CNT, SAT, USTEA, SU). The turnout was much larger than the 29M.
10:00 a.m.: CNT pickets centered in retail and hospitality.
8:45 a.m.: We hear rumors that night action groups have been arranging things so that workers who have been coerced by their employers can freely exercise their right to not work.
Begin to organize pickets tour the center city, visiting the many shops and bars that are located in that
area. You start to notice an increased police presence.
13.00h: Good tracking both Tenerife and La Laguna. In Santa Cruz came to form picket lines per 400 people, while in La Laguna in 200, the vast majority summoned by CNT. All virtually paralyzed transport (airports, port, trams ...) For the city many shops closed, not because the polygons. The finished CNT picket against Ali Baba Kebab in conflict with the union.
6:00 a.m.: CNT participates in joint picket at the gates of the refinery, cutting traffic on Avenida Manuel Hermoso (into the city).
The pickets are being successful both in the city of La Laguna and Santa Cruz. According to latest information, in Santa Cruz, picketing conducted by various unions, reach 400. In La Laguna, reaching, at times, to 200 members, the vast majority called by the CNT.
20.00h: Good attendance at the demonstration, the CNT block with about 300 people.
10:00 am: Little follow. The sting of CNT and other organizations have focused against Osi Food, meat supplier Donald'sa national MC. Concentrations along the assembly for public health in the hospital Virgen de la Salud. Pickets are also conducted at the University Campus of the Arms Factory.
Torrelavega: wide following.
20.00h: Around 2000 people in the CNT block during the demonstration. The afternoon demonstration in Valencia was called by unions institutional at 18:30 but was already an hour before the San Agustin Plaza and Calle Xativa Station North until almost to overflowing. Such was the amount of people there that demonstration was not moving so the Anti-Capitalist Bloc, formed by various groups and unions, has decided to deviate from the path City official heading the street and turn the boats. Here we have found against capital painted in several shattered banks and an ATM. Upon arrival at the English Court was a strong police presence has made a feint load but ultimately did not happened. The march continued to the Palace of Justice where he has met with the head of the CCOO and UGT expression and seemed
that police prepared to charge but neither has happened. This has been concluded the demonstration.
24:00: The morning demonstration runs through the center of the city, cutting off roads and closing shops. Loads occur in Xativa Street, taking shelter people at FNAC.
9:30 a.m.: Arrival at Mercy Institute. Loads reported in the University. Several detainees. The police enter the University.
7:30 pm: The CNT reaches picket Alacuas industrial area.
5:30 a.m.: Picket against Martinez Loriente, leading distributor of meat to Mercadona.
Vall d'Albaida:
8:00 a.m.: The picket has gone to Ontiyent center, collapsing the road until 13h00. It entered the faculties of Business and Magisterium. It has also gone through the stores, Mercadona ...
5:30 a.m.: The picket unit formed by the assembly of unemployed and has deployed CNT device cones and vests to stop traffic with the help of a member of the Fire Department Ontiyent which took the truck to improve the job. Then we carried on an informational picket to textile Avenue.
21.00h: Ends the event and again a massive assistance to the same as in the past strikes. Spectacular setting in the ranks of the CNT.
18.00h: NTC issued a statement denying the manipulation poured in the newspaper El Mundo in relation to the alleged "assault on the courts."
13.00h: Cut the main avenues as Avenida Paseo Zorrilla and Salamanca, for both lanes. Some 20,000 people are heading towards the Parliament. CC.OO. UGT and the tail of the demonstration.
24:00: Arrival Plaza Mayor converging with students, 15-M and CGT.
10:00 a.m.: Picket the city center. More support in commerce than previous strikes. Many closed savings. Green Cross Crossing in the manifestation of CC.OO. and UGT, verbal confrontations.
8:00 a.m.: Picket of CNT cutting traffic and closing shops in the Circular and Delicias neighbourghoods.
00.00h: CNT pickets are on the verge of FASA-Renault and Printolid co. Night very quiet, with little presence of CCOO pickets and UGT.
17.00h: Mass picket in the center unit. It can close the Corte Ingles store.
24:00: Start the demonstration, about 5,000 people attended the rally alternative.
9:10 a.m.: massive following. Loads and identifications in the City.
Villagarcia de Arosa:
9:00 p.m.: After maintaining the picket afternoon in downtown celebrates the manifestation of the CNT with several dozen attendees finishing with a couple of rallies.
11.00: Demonstration from the Tower of Doña Otxanda the middle to get to the Post Office Square. We have read several statements in front of a bank and the council. The influx has been good, considering that the call was from CNT, CGT and ESK: about 800 people.
6:00 a.m.: A group of militants has come Jundiz industrial estate, in front of a company having a stressful time with scabbing.
Well supported. A large picket formed by CNT and other alternative organizations have closed shops in the city.
09.00h: Picket in Plaza Roma, at the gates of Mercadona.
00.00: One hundred colleagues focus on the Plaza San Miguel.
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