sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

"The 3 of Nize" 17 Nov statement translation: WE WANT BACK AT HOME TO THE “THREE OF NIZE”.

Traducción del Comunicado 17 Nov 2011 de los 3 de Niza. Increíble pero cierto, el grado de represión que se alcanza en europa sigue creciendo, a la medida que se acrecienta la crisis. Con esta detención arbitraria y completamente desproporcionada se observa el nerviosismo de un gobierno que sable que en cualquier momento la situación se le puede descontrolar. 

Translation of the 17/11/2011 statement of “The 3 Nice”. Incredible but true, the degree of repression is achieved in Europe continues increasing, to the extent that the crisis is growing. With this completely disproportionate and arbitrary detention shows the nervousness of a government that knows that at any time the situation got out of control.

Fifteen days are our fellow Xabier, Michael Adrian and imprisoned at Nice, days without the possibility of being visited by family and friends, rejected by French courts. Xabier, Adrian and Michael were arrested on November 1 by the police charged with "possession and transport of weapons of sixth category to attempt to organize violent acts against people," in their way to participate in the demonstrations called by the social movements framed at the meeting of G20 leaders held in Cannes. The French legislation considered sixth category weapons of those tools sensitive to be used as weapons, whose transport requires a clear motivation. In this case, various climbing equipment, work materials and literature.

On Wednesday, November 2, a trial in Nize sentenced them to four months in prison, the penalty to be satisfied in full a month. In the period of detention, not allowed to make any phone call, being helpless and unable to face their own defense. The dispute developed into a political trial, were matters for the sentencing determinants of their political leanings, his involvement in various social movements, political union worker organizations affiliation of the Spanish state, came to be required to explain the motivations that led them to travel and how they had financed. The prosecutor, considering that the sentence is soft, has appealed the sentence, and this new view to discuss the acceptance of the appeal court will be held in the town of Aix en Provence, 15 km from Marseille, on 30th November.

In times of crisis, the State may be deprived of all its functions except the maintenance of order, it has nothing to offer to its citizens except safe protection, therefore, is the most interested in perpetuating insecurity that creates the demand for protection; Were our fellow scapegoat of French government to justify the huge expenditure on security required for a summit to bring together world leaders of the twenty most powerful nations on the planet? Information provided by news from different countries have indicated that the safety device displayed by the French state had 12,000 personnel including police, gendarmes and soldiers.

Where is democracy if basic rights of people are restrict, if undermine civil liberties and public life conditional on the initiative of the State, to the arbitrary actions of the police, to the security paranoia of the Justice? Can an organism of international discussion and consultation (the G20), involved in the defense of the capitalist machinery left to their abysmal spontaneous devise, responding to the problems of wealth distribution, the physical limits of the planet, the growing population excluded from the labor market in a precarious global governance? These are questions that are around in our heads.
 Free the three detainees in Nize!
We want them home now!
Cheer up comrades, you are not alone. We are many, every time improving and disposing. Social revolution is within our hands. Health!

Ánimo compañeros, no estáis solos, somos mucho y cada vez mejor preparados y dispuestos. La revolución social está aquí entre nuestras manos. Salud!

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